Re-Opening for Socially Distant Wine Tasting

We don’t know about you, but we are so excited to re-open the tasting room starting Saturday, May 16th! We will maintain our regular hours of Wednesday through Sunday from 12pm – 5pm.

However, for us to re-open our winery, its very important that we all follow guidelines set by our local health district. Read about the the following changes below so you know what to expect when you come to visit our tasting room.

  1. Anyone exhibiting visible signs of illness will be turned away.
  2. Reservations strongly recommended. If you show up without reservations and we don’t have room, sadly, we will have to turn you away.
  3. Be prepared to stand outside while you wait to be shown to your table.
  4. We will be limiting the number of people in our tasting room to 10 people at a time (including staff).
  5. To accommodate more guests we will be utilizing our patio and lawn – so please come prepared for the possibility of being seated outside (i.e. dress for the weather, bring folding chairs or blankets.)
  6. As required by the state, we cannot have more than 6 people together per table.
  7. In order to maintain social distancing we will not be serving anyone at the bar in our tasting room.
  8. We will be serving flights versus one wine sample at a time, in order to limit contact between staff and guests.
  9. We will be utilizing a strict protocol of sanitation before, after, and during your visit.
  10. We will be utilizing a “no-touch” point of sale system.
  11. We will be requesting that all tour companies limit their tours to 10 people or fewer until further notice.

If you have any questions, please contact us via email, Facebook or Instagram .